Gynecologic cancers can affect a woman's reproductive system, which consists of the uterus, vagina, ovaries and fallopian tubes. The uterus is a hollow, muscular organ that holds a baby as it grows inside a pregnant woman. The fallopian tubes and ovaries are located on either side of the uterus.

The most common types of gynecologic cancers are cervical, endometrial (uterine) and ovarian cancer. The specific type of cancer a woman has and how advanced it is, will determine her treatment and surgical options.

Women with early stage gynecologic cancer often have a hysterectomy - the surgical removal of the uterus. In this procedure, the doctor may also remove the ovaries, fallopian tubes and/or select lymph nodes.

Hysterectomy is the second most common surgical procedure for women in the U.S., and an estimated one third of all U.S. women will have a hysterectomy by age 60.

About da Vinci

With the da Vinci System, surgeons operate through a few small incisions instead of a large open incision - similar to traditional laparoscopy. The da Vinci System features a magnified 3D high-definition vision system and special wristed instruments that bend and rotate far greater than the human wrist. As a result, da Vinci enables your surgeon to operate with enhanced vision, precision, dexterity and control.

State-of-the-art da Vinci uses the latest in surgical and robotics technologies and is beneficial for performing complex and delicate surgery. Your surgeon is 100% in control of the da Vinci System, which translates his or her hand movements into smaller, more precise movements of tiny instruments inside your body. da Vinci – taking surgery beyond the limits of the human hand.

If you are facing surgery for a benign (non-cancerous) condition, learn more about or for gynecologic cancer, learn more about da Vinci Gynecologic Surgery Physicians have used the da Vinci System successfully worldwide in approximately 1.5 million various surgical procedures to date. da Vinci - changing the experience of surgery for people around the world.